Trusted by hundreds of government tender portals in the EU
How Skim Works
Streamline your success with Skim
No Upfront Application Fee - No Win No Fee Guarentee
Step 1: Receive automated tender alerts, all in one place
Never manually look for tenders again. Skim automatically scans EU portals daily to find tenders best suited for you!
Step 2: Tender Intelligence
Double-click on your tenders to gain comprehensive insights into their scope and offerings. Analyze the requirements for tender application.
Applied for this month
Step 3: Bid Writing Services
Our team of bid-writing experts will guide you through the process—whether it's your first tender or you're a seasoned veteran—to help you achieve success in bid writing services. No Win No Fee
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Win more contracts with significantly less effort
Public Tendering should not be a daunting and overwhelming experience. Find the right opportunities that fit your business needs
Find up to 64% more tender opportunities
Save up to 13 hours weekly
Use Cases
Tender Consultants
Boost your business by 76% by automatically delivering tender opportunities directly to your customers.
Bid Teams
Track the progress of all tenders with customized statuses and manage everything on a single platform for complete transparency.
Personalised Dashboard
Why look at tenders that are not for you?
A personalized dashboard is thoughtfully curated to meet your business needs.
Daily Tender Alerts
Never look for tender opportunities manually again! Your customised dashboard is being updated constantly
Choose A Plan For You
Designed to Simplify Your Experience and Maximize the Benefits of Skim's Innovative Features